5 Ways To Celebrate Mom
We’re on the cusp of May, a favorite month of many Americans. The flowers are blooming, birds chirping, the sunshine lingers, and like clockwork — another Mother’s Day is just around the corner. This is a time to really cherish and celebrate her, and remember all the great things she does for her family. There are many ways to do the matriarchal holiday right, here are five ideas how: Celebrate Before/After Sunday Where does it say that you can only highlight mom on the actual calendar day? Unless everything breaks right, card stores will be left bare, you won’t have...

It's Time For Spring Cleaning
Spring is upon us yet again. The days are getting longer and we’re all getting outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. With that, it’s time to open your windows, let the natural light in, and enjoy more outdoor gatherings with friends and family. Inside the home, it’s the seasonal ritual of spring cleaning. Here are a few pointers from us at Pendulux, along with a few suggestions to help out. Get All Your Clocks in Order The time change tripped us up for a little bit, but we’re back on track and ready to enjoy the later sunsets. Just...

5 Ways To Start 2021 On A Good Note
Let’s just try as best we can to forget about last year, okay? We’re a month into the New Year and it’s time to drag and drop 2020 in the trash, right-click, and empty it. Thankfully, the calendar has graced us with the turn of a page, and we’re all giddy to settle into 2021. So why not set yourself up with success and evaluate the way you look at things this year. Here are five to consider. Financial Outlook The markets were pretty volatile last year, and we all wish we'd bought more Bitcoin, but think about day-to-day spending....

Feng Shui: 5 Tips for your home & workspace
What do Oprah, Johnny Depp, Richard Branson, George Clooney, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cher, and Tommy Hillfiger have in common? They all practice the Chinese art of feng shui. Most of us have heard of feng shui, but many of us have no idea what it means. To quite a few of us, it sounds like an esoteric lifestyle philosophy, but once you learn about it, it actually starts to feel like an art form that makes intuitive sense. Feng shui literally means “wind” (feng) and “water” (shui), the two elemental forces of creation. In Chinese culture, they correspond to happiness and...

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