Blog — clock

Five Ways to Improve How You Work From Home
Nowadays, people are working from home more than ever; that’s new for a lot of us. Adjusting from commuting, being in an office setting, and the normal ways of communication for decades isn’t a seamless process. While we may enjoy being home more and having extra time to spend with our families, it may take a while to get into your working groove. Here are 5 ways to help you with your transition. Get Your Own Space Unless you already had a home office, this might be the trickiest part to pull off. Setting up in a bedroom, living room,...

How To Stay Creative While Staying Home
Pendulux has always been a company with an emphasis on creativity, which you can see in our products; we make retro-space themed pieces for crying out loud. We’re a group of imaginative thinkers who come up with products that are functional, yet a bit unconventional. As most people across the country are staying home, now’s a real opportunity to get creative and find useful ways to spend your time. Here are a few ideas, beyond tv, movies, and video games, to get you by. Tinker Tinkering can be defined simply as attempting to repair something. It can be anything from...

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning
Spring is finally here, March 19th was the first day of the season. The warmer weather usually brings about thoughts of vacations, spending more time outdoors, and meals al fresco, but in light of recent events, it looks like life has changed a bit for the time being. Smaller public groups, fewer gatherings, and extra sanitation measures are paramount right now, but it’s still a great time to get your home in order. Out with winter and into spring, here are 5 spring cleaning tips you can take on now, so you can enjoy the good times that are hopefully...

The Science Behind Leap Year
Every four years, there’s an extra day added to the end of February, but have you ever wondered exactly why? Well, it has to do with the sun and science.

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